I love finding pictures like these. If I find some that are inspirational enough I print the pictures off and hang them where I can see them. They give me boosts when I need them.
My Life As..Christina Ann
Thursday, April 25, 2013
I'm Back!
Hey there, I'm back! After not posting for about a year and a half, I've decided to try and start writing some posts again.
I have been at my job for almost a year and a half as well. I started at Walgreens November 22, 2011. I started in the cosmetics department and then moved over to the photo department. I am now the Head Photo Specialist (HPS). I love my job most days but as all jobs go, it has its days.
Ryan is growing, growing, growing. I can't believe he will be three this October. Time sure does fly by. I am amazed every day by the things that he does and the things that he knows.
I have been at my job for almost a year and a half as well. I started at Walgreens November 22, 2011. I started in the cosmetics department and then moved over to the photo department. I am now the Head Photo Specialist (HPS). I love my job most days but as all jobs go, it has its days.
Ryan is growing, growing, growing. I can't believe he will be three this October. Time sure does fly by. I am amazed every day by the things that he does and the things that he knows.
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Ryan with his new sword. |
I have been trying to focus on my son, my job, and school and I try to let everything else fall into place as it comes and as it goes. I do not have many complaints with life right now. It's been going very well.
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Ryan and me at church on Easter. |
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Happiness Is Where It's At!
I won't put much, but I would like to say that I am finally happy. It took me a while to get over things, but I think I'm finally there. I don't know how long this happiness will last, but I am definitely ready for it to stay for a while.
Ahhh I've been in such a good mood lately. I haven't smiled this much in a long time.Such a good thing. Alright that is all for now. I'll write more soon!
"A kiss is a touch that attaches two hearts, binds two souls."
Ahhh I've been in such a good mood lately. I haven't smiled this much in a long time.Such a good thing. Alright that is all for now. I'll write more soon!
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This is me right now! haha |
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Momma!
Happy Birthday to my Momma. The one that has been there for me through it all. Throughout my childhood, when I was off at college, through my pregnancy, in the delivery room when I had Ryan, and through the first year of my child's life. She has been there and helped me every step of the way. I would be nowhere without my mom. I love you momma! ♥
Me with my momma on my birthday last year. |
And the Cutest Costume goes to...
. . .RYAN! We went to a Halloween party tonight (well technically yesterday since it's after midnight). Ryan's Halloween costume this year is a skeleton! I think he looks adorable in it, and I must not be being bias because at the party he won cutest costume. He even got a prize and a medal!
I can't wait for Halloween this year. I'm going to let Ryan go up to a few doors this year (with me of course) since he is walking this year and I can't wait to see him being a big boy with the other kids. Oh and I get to eat his candy too so that is a plus!
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Here's my little skeleton! So freaking cute! |
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Here he is wearing his "cutest costume" medal! |
I can't wait for Halloween this year. I'm going to let Ryan go up to a few doors this year (with me of course) since he is walking this year and I can't wait to see him being a big boy with the other kids. Oh and I get to eat his candy too so that is a plus!
Here's Ryan on Halloween last year. My cute little pumpkin certainly has changed a lot in one year! |
Friday, October 28, 2011
No Longer A Baby..
Well, my baby is no longer a baby. He had his 1st birthday last Saturday. I can't believe how big he is getting. He has been walking for a month now (since September 27) and is always on the go! It seems like every day he has learned a new trick. He is such a sweet little boy and has been very affectionate lately, which Momma likes a lot!
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Here's the Birthday Boy with his cakes! |
It seems like a lot has happened in the past few weeks, but I can't seem to think of anything to write so I'll give a few stats on Ryan, add a couple recent pictures, and call it a post.
Ryan now has four teeth. Two on the top and two on the bottom. We had our WIC appointment today and Ryan was just over 29 inches long and 21.5 lbs (with clothes on). He has his one year appointment on Tuesday so we will see the real stats are then. Usually WIC is a little off on the measurements. He says lots of things including ball, hello, and giraffe. His favorite toys at the moment are trucks, cars, and really anything with wheels. Ry just started taking my phone or a remote and putting it by his ear saying hello. It is the cutest thing! Also, as I already said he is walking. He hardly crawls anymore and it is a bit sad. They grow up so quickly. Every day he seems so much older!
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Ryan with his Mohawk. He totally did this pose on his own. So cute. |
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Ryan playing with the giant chess pieces. |
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Ryan with his Daddy when we went to visit. |
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Ryan being all cute and stuff! |
Friday, September 9, 2011
I'm Bad At Posting.
I have been extremely bad at posting. I keep saying that I'm going to post more the next day and I never get around to it so, I will not say that I'm going to get around to posting more tonight or tomorrow, if I do, go me! But I will say I HOPE to be posting soon I would love to catch everyone up on my life. My little boy is growing and so much has changed! Check back soon there will be more, I promise. I just don't know when.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Has it really been two months?!??
Okay I am officially the worst blogger ever! I haven't posted since my son turned 6 months old and he turned 8 months old yesterday. I guess life has just been too busy! Between taking care of Ryan by myself and going to school, I have not had a break or the energy to sit down and think of something to write. I am going to try and get better at this. Now that Ryan is going to bed earlier and is sleeping in his crib most of the time, I have some free time at night before I go to bed. This has been great! I haven't had "me" time in a long time. I won't bore everyone with rambling, but I will post a few pictures of the past couple months! I'll also make a post about our trip to North Carolina and Georgia in the next day or two!
Me and Ryan on Easter. |
Easter egg hunt. |
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He is such a ham. |
Crazy hair! |
First time at the pool. |
Friday, April 22, 2011
6 months old!
My little babe is 6 months old today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that he was only a couple weeks old and now he's a half a year old. Happy half birthday to my little Ry baby.
Minutes after being born: This was my first time holding him. It was the best moment of my life. |
A few days ago: He can't quite pull up like this on his own yet but he has started pulling up. He loves standing like this. It scares me that he is getting to be this big! |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I ♥ Spring!
My internet is broken right now and I've been really bad at posting but I wanted to share this picture. Me and Ryan went outside today and I LOVE this picture!
I like this one of Ryan too! He is so gosh darn cute! Ha-ha!
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